Learning to snowkite in the winter offers skiers and snowboarders the chance to get out and ride snowy fields, mountains and be powered just by wind. Snowkiting is your personal free ski-lift. Once you’ve practised a bit you will sail mountains! Snowkiting is considered a lot easier to learn than kitesurfing, for the simple reason that it’s easier to stand up on snow than it is on water (try it if you don’t believe us).


What will you learn
One theoretical and practical lesson of kite flying. Later we add skis/snowboard and you gonna start to ride. Lessons will be conducted on flat ground.

  • equipment introduction (kite and stuff)
  • preparation and explication, parts of kite and seat harness
  • explanation of kite security systems
  • wind conditions and windows
  • explanation of exercises to be performed in water
  • manage and control the kite with the instructor
  • manage and control the kite with instructor supervision
  • learn to move with a kite (land, shallow water)
  • manage different powers (neutral, medium and power)
  • kite relaunch and land
  • manage the power of kite with power stroke exercises
  • how to get going skies/snowboard
  • how to do transition skies/ snowboard


2 day, 8h, 320EUR


What will you learn?
Some theory and more practical lessons on mountain terrains.

  • mountain forecasting, snow and ice safety
  • looping
  • riding uphill, riding downhill
  • mountain riding
  • jumping and gliding
  • get ready for real mountain sailing


1 day, 4h, 170EUR


What will you learn
Fully customized one-on-one snowkite lessons designed to establish your goals and then obtain them! We can tailor this course to fit your level from total beginner to advanced mountain riding.


1h/55 EUR   



Maybe you just want a few hours for a water-to-snow introduction or a refresher from those lessons you took years ago? Lessons are carried out individually.


1h/55 EUR

*If you do want to learn, all you need to do is turn up with some warm clothes – ski or snowboarding gear is ideal – and we’ll provide everything else.

Snowkite camps/holidays



We love kiteboarding, but we like to sailing mountains with our kites even more. From middle of September, untill end of April we are always on the right place, to get the best of snowkite sessions around are of Slovenia and Austria on every windy day. Both countries delivers some fascinating landscapes with incredible spots such as Bloke, Innerkrems, Obertauren, Saualpe, Koralpe, Belska mountain… If you already know how to snowkite, We will guide you trough the varied untouched terrains, suitable for your knowledge, to stay safe and have fun the whole day.


1 day guide/50 EUR

 *All lessons are possible on snowkite daily trips.


Second half of March 2020
Every march we organize snowkite camp to some well known snowkite Locations. This year we go to Montenegro, where Žabljak, the biggest mountain plateau is placed. Žabljak is place where anyone can snowkite, it all starts with beginner terrain then, when you’re feeling confident, it moves into smaller hills and when you are really ready, there are some stiffer mountain terrains waiting for you. If there are some no wind days, we can go ski in local ski resort Savin Kuk, where are some incredible freeride terrains or go backcountry touring on skies or snowshoes.

Approximate price per day:

48 EUR/day


If you want to learn snowkiting, these are the places where you can easily learn to snowkite in Slovenia and Austria.



The Bloke plateau is located in the edge of Notranjska between Cerknica field and the valleys of Lož end Ribnica. Bloke is known as a cradle of old folk skiing. Middle flat part of the plateau is perfect for beginners and some easy up and downhill terrains, where you gonna enter another dimension of this kitesport. Lessons are held when the north winds (Bora) blows, from the middle of November till the middle of March. There are some other places, where we can teach, depending on the wind and snow conditions (Postojna, Lesce…). 



There are plenty of locations to snowkite in Austria, such as Innerkrems, Saualpe, Obertauern and many other perfect mountains and flat spots, where beginners and experts will find their proper terrain. We do snowkite in Austria already for years and we know, when and where to be, to get the best of your snowkite session. Lessons and daily trips are held when the north or south-west winds blow, from the middle of November till the middle of April.

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